Consultancy: Analysis of recipient countries’ perspectives on multilateral development banks and bilateral development partners – Survey design and management
The ODI Development and Public Finance team is looking for a consultant to support the methodology, the design, the distribution and the data analysis for a forthcoming research project. The study will largely be informed by a medium-sized survey. The survey is intended to reveal and analyse the preferences of government officials in central and line ministries in low- and middle-income countries about the demand, terms and conditions and modalities of development assistance. This project aims to capture and compare the perception of the operations and modalities of bilateral donors and multilateral development organisations from the perspective of recipient country governments, an angle often overlooked in the design of development cooperation strategies and policies.
This project builds and expands ODI research in this area, for example An age of choice for development finance: evidence from country case studies and External finance for rural development: a synthesis of country perspectives.
The consultant would join a small team and s/he will be expected to lead or contribute to the following areas:
· Inception phase:
o Methodology: Help with the methodological approach, the design of the survey (questionnaire) and the pilot stage/review (ca. 10 days)
o Coverage and sampling: Lead the creation of the contact database, with inputs and support from the research lead and team members; lead on the sampling method (ca. 10 days)
· Implementation phase:
o Online questionnaire: Lead on the survey set-up on SurveyMonkey (ca. 10 days) **
o Distribution and follow-up: Lead on the submission of the questionnaire to respondents and offer technical troubleshooting to respondents, with inputs and support from the team. Monitor progress and follow-ups (ca. 15 days).
· Data analysis/research phase:
o Analyse survey data (ca. 10 days)
o Contribute to the draft of the final report and its revisions (ca. 15 days)
The consultant should:
· Demonstrate experience working with SurveyMonkey (or other online electronic tools for online-survey) for medium-sized surveys for policy research: survey set up in multiple languages, modifications, notifications, response monitoring and data download.
· Have good knowledge of survey design techniques and proven participation in projects designing and analysing qualitative surveys (e.g. Weisberg total survey error approach and the Dillman tailored design method).
· Have experience with survey statistics (sampling methods) and data analysis, including both standard software packages for survey analysis (e.g. SPSS) and Excel.
· Be familiar with the basic concepts of development assistance and the architecture of international development.
· Pay attention to details and be proactive to expand the reach of the survey and its robustness.
How to apply:
We expect the consultant to contribute to the project between March 1st and October 31st 2021, with the possibility of extension, on a part-time basis. Day allocation mentioned above is indicative only and the exact number of days for this assignment will be discussed with the candidate. This is a home-based assignment.
The 'years of experience' category is indicative. Those with more experience should not be put off applying.
Please submit your CV to by Monday February 15th 2021.